Oct 17, 2009

Don't Wander, just do it - 10/17

So I got to see Random Rab play last night, one of many amazing times I've seen him perform this summer. Wow... still my favorite hands down.

And there were a ton of familiar faces in the crowd and it was all around amazing night of music!

Check some pics:

And here is a video of the night:

16BIT & BEYOND PRESENTS RANDOM RAB from Matthew F. Smith on Vimeo.

And the story goes that he played a more personal late night set on top of a 104 year avacado tree at my friends house.... wish I had stuck around for that!

Tonight see the Wandering Marionettes at Golden Bridge Yoga!

Also tonight catch the next Droid Interface event with Deru and Edit:

Also tonight check out Nosaj Thing and more for free:

Also tonight catch Lee Burridge and the Pocket Underground crew:

Also tonight see Serendipity:

Performance artists including aerial acrobats, dancers, poets and musicians, will take on character roles as the inhabitants of Fakouri’s lush garden oasis, intermingling with guests while showcasing their skills.

Also tonight catch Aceyalone:

Also tonight catch another Afterburn event:

Showcasing multi-media works of art including
paintings, photography, sculptures, installations, live music and video art.

Live graffiti art by Vyal
Live painting by Rajiv Jain

Live music by:

Moan Red
Tarah Marie
Tommy and Juni
Leerone http://www.leerone.com/

Video Instillation by:

Sara Ludy

Art and instillations by:

Liz Brizzi: http://www.lizbrizzi.com/
Karen Fiorito http://buddhacatpress.blogspot.com/
Carson Margamaa
Heidi Spring http://www.myspace.com/heidispringart
Rajiv Jain
Brian Ostroff
Leon Loucheur http://www.artslant.com/global/artists/show/94169-leon-loucheur
Mike Harnish http://www.michaelharnishart.com/
Daniel Elam
Jaques de Groot
Michael Padilla

Sculpture by:

James Fernella and Josh Wallace http://www.jamesfernella.com/Site/home.html

Tomas Verde

Jason Hughes http://jason-hughes.net/home.html

Did I mention it's free?
Location: Catalyst Artist Collective

Also tonight and tomorrow catch Groove Riders in-store special event:

Soooooo I am very excited because tonight my favorite DJ/Producer is playing in LA!!!!

Also tonight catch this event:

Always fill your LIFE with LOVE and LAUGHTER ~ PEACE OUT

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