May 1, 2009

May I welcome you to May? - 5/01

Welcome to May. May I let you know what's going on tonight? May I also introduce you to the moment of Now, and how you are currently in it? Well enjoy yourself then!

There is a lot of stuff tonight and this weekend(as usual):

First off, though outside of LA, very worth mentioning is:

Beltane Blessings ::: May 1st-3rd 2009

more info @

For you art headz, the Cave Gallery is having an opening:

On the music side, get your "Wobble" on with Pawn & Emu, Skeet Skeet, and more!

Or you can lose Control with Jokers of the Scene and Acid Girls:

Also Friday, get HAWT w/ DJ Mes and crew (3 years strong!):

And in case you just gotta have it, DJ Spinna is dropping your favorite Michael Jackson and Prince jams all night:

And here are just 2 more events for your varied interests:

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