May 20, 2009

Tighten Up your Low End - 5/20

Welcome welcome. It's Wednesday, and that has traditionally been called hump day. If you're not too busy humping, get out to some of these killer events.

Oh and be sure to catch Jeremy Sole from midnight to 3am tonight on KCRW 89.9 on your radio or on the interwebs. This man lays it down for your soul! And then be sure to catch him LIVE tomorrow at Afro Funke'!

So tonight, Tighten Up w/ Yosaku and crew:

Wednesday also means its time for Low End Theory (special guest is Mix Master Mike)

Also tonight see DopplerEffect live:

Aaaand also tonight catch King Brit live @ Melodic:

Always fill your LIFE with LOVE and LAUGHTER

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