It all started with 27 days of celebrating! lol amazing, yet challenging! (For those who don't know, I believe, we should celebrate for the amount of days that is the number of years old we are. So when your 50, you celebrate for 50 years.)
This last year had it's ups and downs, and more ups! And because of my friends, I had the summer of my life.
And because of things like LIB and Black Rock City, it felt right to dedicate my time to being a part of this community and learning how to keep it growing and moving forward! Reference this article on Neo-Tribalism From last fall into now, I have worked for some amazing event production teams. And in full GRATITUDE mode, I'm having the Give Back on my birthday 3.21 in Venice, featuring some of the best DJ's in town!
So that takes care of life and laughter, but what about love. My music. That's what this year is gonna be about for me. My other love is my best friend. She was away but has returned, in the same amount of time, possibly a full circle. Its end is its beginning.... wisdom leading the way.
So, that's it. Love Life and Laughter through my looking glass.
I guess to honor a new found tradition, I should now begin 28 days of celebration! What is the intention? Every moment is a gift. All our friends are gifts. Why not celebrate for all these amazing gifts!
So...... Day 1 - THE GIVE BACK (gratitude)
MARCH 21st: THE GIVE BACK (gratitude) aka my birthday party!

I am celebrating my birthday on Saturday March 21st, and to celebrate I'm bringing together some of my favorite DJ's to create an eclectic night of music and reveling.
I’m taking over the lounge and turning it into our own dance floor. Come by and enjoy the festivities, and feel free to spread the word and bring anyone you’d like. Friends of friends are just as good as friends.
The intention of the event: I know some amazing people, and I want to bring them together!
Also, as my gift to you, this event is totally FREE.

Entertainment for the evening will include the best in Reggae, Dub, Afro Funk, House, Broken Beat, Breaks, Glitch Hop, Dubstep and more!
Jupiter (The Do LaB)
Free mix from his set at Lucent L'amour!!!
Glenn Red (Afro Funke')
Download a free mix by Glenn!
Yosaku (Tighten Up)
Download mixes!
Flavor Wizards (Fresh Air Love Crew, Las Vegas)
*in their first LA appearance
Free FW's Mix
It's truly going to be an eclectic night.
Set times:
Glenn Red 9:30-10:30
Yosaku 10:30-11:30
Jupiter 11:30-12:30
Flavor Wizards 12:30-1:30
* Sound provided by Force Field Sound!
It all goes down on Saturday March 21st – 9:30pm to 1:30am @ the Canal Club, 2025 Pacific Avenue
Venice, 90291
Canal Club Website:
*the kitchen is open until 11pm

Located ½ block from Venice Beach, 1 block from the Venice Canals and across the street from James’ Beach; "in the heart of vibrant, artistic Venice"
Click here for the gooble map
Again, this is a FREE event all night!
Stay tuned for more info!
Call with questions: 818-388-8480

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