I've basically done 2 things this whole weekend: I ♥'d my girl + worked (on a festival of love)
if you took those two things away from me I would..... write songs about how I miss those 2 things :)
word! so love what you love!
<>music on rotation<>
A.New Eskmo mix! Click here to download for free!
B.John Hopkins, from dubstep to dreampop. John Hopkins on myspace
<>Tonight's events<>

Also tonight catch Steve Aoki's bday with special guests including Adam Freeland:

Also tonight at the main event:

December 9th See Lucent Dossier Experience at H Wood

H. Wood 1738 N Orange St, Hollywood, CA, 90028
Featuring KRADDY on the decks!
Woah...hold on there...woah...let us catch our breath...yep...WOW! Are you guys serious!? We knew that you were going to bring the thunder but we were blown away by your earth shattering capacity for fun! We are STILL buzzing from all of the crazy action that erupted from Last Wednesday night. Renegade bands, spontaneous acts of dance, and the entire dance floor bumping and grinding in glee! Wow...we thought we were a bit off our rockers, but you guys just tipped it over. Thank you and come back for seconds please! This Wednesday and every Wednesday til' December 23rd (our Orphan's Christmas Ball), we will be conducting this realm of madness, so don't get left out! Come on down and see what the buzz is about. Hollyweird just got a lot weirder.
December 9th catch EC Twins:

Also December 9th catch Low End Theory:
The Airliner
2419 N Broadway
On the lineup:
Busdriver (Anti)
Oscar McClure (Leaving Records)
Asura (Non Projects)
+ our killer residents:
Daddy Kev
Gaslamp Killer
Also Wednesday December 9th catch this major annual holiday party in Hollywood:

December 10th Second Thursday's are the downtown artwalk... and I'll be there mobbing in DolaB creations!
December 10th:

December 10th after Art Walk check out I am a Lazer:

Always fill your LIFE with LOVE and LAUGHTER ~ PEACE OUT
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