It's hard to put this epic night into words..... Amazing, rare, priceless!
After working on the promotions for over 3 months and helping get people from all over California excited about it, I was eager to see who would be coming, and how they would enjoy what The Do LaB had created.
The time for LUCENT L'AMOUR had arrived!!
The moment I stepped foot into the space, I was gitty with glee! Soooo much to SEE, HEAR & EXPERIENCE!
First and for most, I was very lucky to be spending the night with my valentine. She was kind enough to give me a spiffy new haircut and made me a fresh heart for my shirt. I was sportin some pinstripe slacks too (keep it fresh gents)!
The event itself, flew by in whirlwind of excitement. Every step I took, I saw something new, something creative, and the harder I looked the more creativity I saw.
The music was amazing! World class all the way, every single act!
The installations, interactive environments, and giant sculptures were from beyond wonderland!
And the art was happening everywhere, at the same time, times 100!!!
I spent most of the night making sure that my friends and my team were having a good night, and it seemed like smiles all around!
Then in a flash, it was all over!
Hours and hours of music, art, performance, and thousands of smiling faces....
just an echo in my ear, and a flash when I blink!
.... was this all a dream?
It's finally here: The Do LaB's Flickr slideshow, not to be confused with sideshow, because this is the main attraction!
1) Sinning in LA coverage
Video by Smash LeFunk
2) HD Stop Motion coverage by Roger L. Griffith
This video was produced with 1900 individual images + some HD video footage.
3) Lovers Taro Mural Slideshow
This video is a product of 17 hours of non stop painting at Lucent Lamour!!!
Live Painters: Michael Pukac - Hans Haveron - Ekundayo - Motion One - John Park
Photography by: Jesse Rodriguez
Song by: Lynx and Janover "She Is Looking For Something"
4) The 'official' movie by Matthew Smith
Check out his Vimeo page for All 13 Parts!
5) Some clips from Bassnectar and NASA's sets:
Dance Fever 5000!
Sinning in LA!
Mother Nature Network!
URB Magazine!
... brought to you by Jordan ...