The adventure begins....
Michelle invited me to go to Mexico because she was going to celebrate her birthday. Where? What?
-->Second Annual Alma Paradiso =
Camping by the beach???? Sounds EXCELLENT!
So we set off, a day earlier than we planned (why waste any time)
First we had to travel over the hunderds of miles of potential accidents between Encino, the border, and beyond...

this is mee lady's wish list car!

Soon it got dark...and we crossed the border and barely found the right highway, the 1, down into and past Rosarito Beach and Puerto Nuevo til we got to Km 73, to La Salina Beaceh Hotel and Cantina. The party had already started, with camps spread all over the beach, and the DJ's were bumping the music.
However, after a busy workday and then driving for almost 6 hours, we decided to drop our tent, and SLEEEEEEEEEP.

Woke up,

found the hombres,

migrated our tent,

and joined the camp!

As we settled in, we took our shoes off, or they took us off...

Freedom and the days festivities:

All the local people were very friendly

I knew Shane was there because I heard him singing and playing his guitar the night before from inside my tent as I was trying to sleep dispite the super funky sonic dance beats bumping until passed dawn. The birthday girl got all the love!

mostly cloudy day = sunsets that look like this...

are you cold?

as the temperature drops a few degrees we decide to warm up

As the night went on, everyone danced and partied the night away. There were fire dancers....but who brings a camera to a fire dance?? No one apparently ;)

and lunch!

The food was perfecto! I recommend this spot for its good food and service that will make you say Gracias.
Also goes well with mee lady ->

no cell phone service, but its only a buck fifty to los angeles!

After bomb chicken quesadilla's and corona's, we lit one up right by the beach with our fellow weekend warriors. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU !!! Much love!
We said goodbye to the people, the beach, even the cantina. Not goodbye, we said "See you again!"
On our way back we got to drive past the intriguing landscape that we could not see on the way into beautiful Mexico.